Dao Records: A Community First NFT Record Company
Vandal has been around the hip-hop scene for decades now. He grew up on tapes, CDs, and even mini-discs (which I personally couldn’t get enough of while we were chatting). Outside of having a passion for music, it’s also clear that he has a passion for community building.
During our live interview a dozen other collaborators joined the room to participate and listen in. It’s the type of personality that is absolutely perfect for creating a DAO, a subject that I’ve covered very little on this site.
After joining DAO Fest, a workshop that was hosted by DAO Stack, Vandal learned more about DAOs and created one titled the “DAO of Wu”. It was an organization that was an attempt to recreate the Wu-Tang Clan in the world of crypto, something I emphatically support as we hear much less from the Wu these days.
While that individual concept died out, that didn’t stop Vandal from trying. Eventually Dao Records was formulated and while it’s wasn’t too conceptually different from Wu Dao he managed to start pulling together some individuals who were interested. What has recently changed everything though is the introduction of NFTs.
The company is going all in on them and is attempting to craft a new experience around releasing music. Part of that includes experiences in the Metaverse, beginning primarily with Cryptovoxels. We discussed all that and more in our interview which you can check out below!